From AutocadeMazda Luce (LA2/LA3). 1972–9 (prod. n/a). 4-door sedan, 5-door wagon, 2-door coupé. F/R, 1146 cm³ (Wankel 2 × 573 cm³), 1308 cm³ (Wankel 2 × 654 cm³), 1769, 1970 cm³ (I4 OHC). Conventional large car, with struts at front and leaf springs at rear. Fussy, American-influenced styling. Very well equipped. Model with improved fuel economy released 1974, as a response to the fuel crisis. Mid-term changes 1975, to a more formal front end. Exported usually as 929, while Luce Rotary models were called RX-4. Japanese production to 1978, South African production concluded a year later.
Marque: Mazda | Model: Mazda Luce | Predecessors: Mazda Luce (SUA), Mazda Luce Rotary Coupé | Successor: Mazda Luce Legato
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