From AutocadeOltcit (Y-2). 1981–94 (prod. n/a). 3-door saloon. F/F, 652 cm³ (I2 OHC), 1129, 1299 cm³ (I4 OHC). Same basis as unreleased version of Citroën Visa, but with three doors and built at Craiova, Romania. Peugeot opted to put Visa on the Peugeot 104 platform, but the originally developed vehicle was adapted for production in eastern Europe. Name merged from Oltenia (a Romanian province) and Citroën, the state’s JV partner. Production delays meant first cars did not emerge till 1981, sold on cheap price in the west and badged as Citroën Axel. Basic, unrefined and rugged, and rare now in the west. Citroën pulled out in 1990 after the fall of Ceauşescu, full state control till privatization and name change to Oltena in 1994.
Marque: Oltcit | Successors: Oltena (1994–6), Citroën AX
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