From AutocadeGeely CK Freedom Ship. 2005–11, 2014–16 (prod. 400,000 approx. sold in China to 2010). F/F, 997 cm³ (I3 DOHC), 1342, 1498, 1587 cm³ (I4 DOHC). Originally shown at Beijing in 2004 as the CK1, the result of a collaboration with Daewoo of Korea (CK stands for China–Korea), this model went in to production as the CK Baiyoujian (Freedom Ship) the following year. Facelifted in 2007. Not that reliable and fared poorly in overseas safety tests. Called Otaka in Russia and CK in Ukraine. Rebadged in China as Gleagle CK in 2011 before it was absorbed back into the Geely range in 2014. Scored zero in Latin NCAP safety test. Further facelift for 2015.
Marque: Geely | Predecessor: Gleagle CK | Successor: Gleagle CK q.v. Englon SC3
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