From AutocadeFiat Weekend (Progetto 178). 2014–20 (prod. 530,000 approx. incl. Palio Weekend). 5-door wagon. F/F, 1368, 1598, 1747 cm³ (I4 OHC). Palio Weekend, 18 years old, now without the Palio tag. Three models, each with a different engine, at launch: the basic Weekend Attractive, with the 1·4, Weekend Trekking, with black plastic over the wheel arches, roof racks and slightly more equipment, with 1·6; and previous Adventure, now Weekend Adventure, with even more body cladding than the Trekking for a faux SUV look, featuring the 1·8. Much the same as the Palio Weekend on offer since the last update in 2007. Trekking eventually deleted, leaving Attractive and Adventure. New legislation governing seat belts and Isofix for child seats saw Fiat pull the plug in January 2020. Last locally produced station wagon at the time.
Marque: Fiat | Predecessors: Fiat Palio (178), Fiat Adventure
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