From AutocadeRevision as of 02:13, 19 September 2022 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:2021 Ford Bronco.jpg '''Ford Bronco (U725). 2021 to date (prod. n/a). 3-door convertible SUV, 5-door convertible LWB SUV. F/A, 2266 cm³ (I4 DOHC), 2694, 2956 cm³ p...") Ford Bronco (U725). 2021 to date (prod. n/a). 3-door convertible SUV, 5-door convertible LWB SUV. F/A, 2266 cm³ (I4 DOHC), 2694, 2956 cm³ petrol (V6 DOHC). Bronco returns after a 25-year hiatus, as the more utilitarian end of the off-road market grew. Removable roofs on both three- and five-door, though three-door only came with a hardtop. Doors also removable (and carried inside the vehicle), recalling the first-generation Bronco. Body-on-ladder frame construction. Independent double-wishbone front suspension, with reasonable ride, manœuvrability and handling. Noisy inside. Interior featured hard plastics, in keeping with Bronco’s purpose as a proper off-roader, and very roomy.
Marque: Ford | Model: Ford Bronco | Predecessor: Ford Bronco (1992–6)
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