From AutocadeChevrolet Tracker (9BUC). 2019 to date (prod. n/a). 5-door SUV. F/F, 999, 1199, 1349 cm³ (I3 DOHC). SAIC–GM-developed successor to Trax on the GEM (Global Emerging Markets) platform, shown at Shanghai 2019. Flagship Redline models with 17-inch blacked-out alloy wheels designed to entice younger buyers. LED headlights and keyless entry. Better value at launch than Škoda Kamiq (2018–) and Honda XR-V, though Tracker’s triples had less on-paper appeal compared with its rivals’ four-cylinder engines. Brazilian version launched in 2020, and a hit, despite being launched during the COVID-19 pandemic. Quickly became the country’s top selling SUV in April and May 2020, its first full months on sale. Brazilian engines could run on petrol or ethanol; 1·0 similar to Chinese unit; 1·2 introduced there as the more powerful option.
Marque: Chevrolet | Model: Chevrolet Tracker | Predecessor: Chevrolet Trax
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